Clock with a 15-minute step highlighted in red

For companies

My 15-minute concept

  • Do your employees sometimes lack the necessary motivation?
  • Are your employees sick, stressed, drained and tired more often?
  • Are your employees showing signs of burnout symptoms?
  • Or would you just like to do something good for your employees and support and motivate them in their daily work?


If you can answer YES to any of these questions, then read on!

Bosses, companies and ultimately your customers benefit from healthy and agile employees, because healthy and relaxed employees are good employees, and 15 minutes every day is completely sufficient!

Why not just give your employees a break in between?

Did you know that companies up to 500 euros per employee spend on health prevention per worker and tax deductible can?
A new law has made this possible since January 1st (Section 3 No. 34 EStG). Read more about this Tax-free health promotion in the workplace .
These tax-free benefits also include:

  • Yoga, Pilates, Thai Chi or physical therapy exercise training
  • Relaxation exercises such as meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques)
  • Massages and fascia training

Since employees cannot claim the services themselves, it is up to the company, i.e. YOU, to offer them.

I offer you:

  • Perform highly effective, easy-to-learn stretching exercises Liebscher & Bracht
  • Relaxation and meditation courses for employees
  • Training courses and workshops for your trainers (“Train the Trainer” workshop)


I will help you to motivate your employees in their daily work and to strengthen their health. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to do this.

One of me specially developed new concept helps to reduce stress and release blockages. There are highly effective gentle exercises that can be carried out without great effort (as known, for example, from yoga) and can be practiced by anyone and at any age . Previous knowledge is not required.

Call me on +34 620 929424 and I will be happy to advise you!

12 + 15 =

  • Personal Trainer/Coach
  • Yoga Instructor / Instructor
  • physics massage therapist
  • Pain therapist (Liebscher and Bracht)
Frank-André Berkel