My blog
Pranayama – breath – breath
Breathing is a reactive reflex. We don’t have to think about breathing
The epigenetics
Epigenetics can activate good genes and deactivate bad genes
Back pain is not in the back!
Back pain is not in the back!
Most of the pain today is up to 90% muscular-fascial
Only the constant drop wears away the stone!
A drop of water alone cannot harm a stone. But if it drips on a rock for a long time, a hollow gradually appears.
Fibromyalgia – pain all over the body
Most people with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) experience pain all over their bodies
Clean and activate your spring!
Through tensegral movements (springy) we come to plyometry. Two of the most important terms in future sports science!
Without water everything is nothing!
Without water, the human body cannot perform its most vital task. The elimination of metabolic products!
Fascia is not just your greatest sensory concern
Fascia is not only your greatest concern, it forms the 6th sense. This can be trained, as the latest studies have shown!
Transformation and activation of the fascia
Let’s start transforming YOUR body!
Plyometric training gives the body – regardless of age – the signal to regenerate.